I love the sun, it makes me sneeze

It’s not like I was pining for hot weather all winter—actually, I’ve been dreading the heat—but I got so used to snow and cold, I forgot how nice the sun is. One morning a few weeks back, I didn’t need a jacket and I walked in the sun, warmth on my skin, and it was nice. And you know, it threw me for a loop. Sunshine? Is this . . . happiness?

Like I’d emerged from an underground tunnel for the first time in years, like a worm! Suddenly I wanted to explore again! Once the sun and the stink bugs came back, so did my hopes and dreams, apparently. I don’t even care about the bugs yet, or the mud or the pollen, which has me sneezing so many times I glimpse another dimension. That’s fine by me. When I’m driving and can’t see crap, it’s another story, so this is my reminder to pull over next time a sneeze barrage threatens to literally transport me somewhere else. 

Because here’s the thing: I need to explore some woods first, and with the snow gone I can go where I want, and it’s amazing. No offense to the snow, as fun as it was; I’m just living a better life now. For the first time since early December, I hiked a trail I’d never been on last Friday and in the rain, too. Guess what I saw? Flowers. A big waterfall. Moss. It doesn’t really get better than that (Hornbecks Creek off 209, folks, which I recommend for all the reasons above).

Maybe it’s just me, but spring feels a little extra magical this time around. So if you’re motivated, you should go look for cool stuff outside, whether it’s sunny or not. In the rain, you may have a popular trail to yourself, or you could see a newt. You could find the moss of your dreams. If you’re not motivated, you’re still doing a great job, and you can look at these pictures.




Jackie Beckett

Jackie Beckett

Great talk story & fotos
Love the red trillium never saw one, always see white ones
Big Mahalos



nice picture, is that dingmans?

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